School of Architecture of Yantai University and Shandong Baoya•FAW Jilin Automobile Research Institute The Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement and the “Baoya Cup” Automobile Modeling Creative Competition reached a complete success

  On June 2, 2021, the School of Architecture of Yantai University and Shandong Baoya Automobile Research Institute signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the Architecture Museum of Yantai University. The two parties will follow the principles of "complementary advantages, resource sharing, collaborative innovation, and common development" to jointly build a collaborative innovation and integration development system. Zhang Dianchen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Yantai University, relevant leaders of the School of Architecture of Yantai University, Mr. Zhang Jiannong, director of Shandong Baoya and director of FAW Jilin, and relevant leaders of Shandong Baoya Automobile Research Institute attended the signing ceremony.

  The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to a automobile major power, and it is an important measure to deal with the constraints of competition strategies between countries and promote green development. Baoya, as a major new energy vehicle project introduced by Yantai City, is one of the pioneers in the field of electric vehicles in China and occupies a leading position in the industry. It has always been adhering to the car-making concept of "charging with dreams, starting the future for the world", and practicing the national guidelines for the development of new energy vehicles.

  On behalf of Yantai University, Zhang Dianchen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Yantai University, expressed warm congratulations on the successful signing of the agreement and the holding of the press conference, and delivered a speech. Over the years, Yantai University has been deeply involved in the integration of production and education and the integration of school and city. It insists on being rooted in Yantai, integrating into Yantai, and serving Yantai, and continuously optimizes and adjusts the major structure closely around regional development needs. High-level talents should be introduced more to industries in Yantai City and its economic development zones according to their specific needs.

  Zhang Jiannong, director of Shandong Baoya and director of FAW Jilin, said at the event noted that through this "Baoya Cup" competition, the imagination, creativity and design ability of outstanding students of Yantai University can be fully activated to design a "dream car" that is in line with future development, and is also an "ideal car" in the minds of future consumers. The new energy vehicle industry is an important strategic direction of the national industrial development layout in recent years, and the mission of Shandong Baoya Automobile is to produce future-oriented, environment-friendly, sustainable, diversified and intelligent means of transportation. I hope Baoya and Yantai University will work together to build a quality car for the future!

  As the first step of the strategic cooperation, after the signing of the cooperation agreement, the two parties jointly unveiled the first "Baoya Cup" competition at the event site. This competition focuses on the design concept of being "simple, moderate luxurious, and high-tech", and shifts the traditional car concept design from hardware conditions such as performance and handling to the essence of products such as scenarios, people and life.

  The signing of this cooperation agreement is bound to promote the comprehensive connection between Yantai's local colleges and universities, talent advantages and corporate capital and technological advantages, and the close integration and harmonious development of Yantai's local education chain, talent chain and industrial chain, and innovation chain.